वेतन वृद्धि के सम्बन्ध Financial Handbook Volume II Parts II to IV UTTAR PRADESH FUNDAMENTAL RULES-87 & 87-A के अनुसार The phrase "at the time of taking leave," occurring in the proviso to this rule, denotes a point in time and that point is the moment at which leave begins. If, therefore, a government servant proceeds on leave with effect from the forenoon of a day on which an increment falls due, this increment cannot be taken into account in the calculation of his leave salary. His increment does not begin to accrue until the previous midnight is past, and by that time he is. assumed to be on leave and therefore incapable of drawing increment because he is no longer on duty, शासनादेश सं0-2-789/- एक्स-316-73 दि० 27.04.1978, शासनादेश सं0-4-871/दस-1999 दि० 25.03.2000 एवं शासनादेश सं०-जी-2-2017/दस-2008-216/73 दि० 08.12.2008 नियम है।
अतः अवकाश पर चल रहे शिक्षक/शिक्षणेत्तर कर्मचारियों को वेतन वृद्धि अवकाश से वापिस आने पर/योगदाने उपरान्त प्रदान की जायेगी।
अध्यापकों की वार्षिक वेतनवृद्धि के सम्बन्ध में | Regarding Annual Salary Increment of Teachers
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